Affordable homes
The provision of rented or purchased flats or houses for less than the full market value. This includes property for social rent (from a Housing Association) available to buy on a shared ownership basis or available with Government/housebuilder schemes such as NewBuy and other shared equity schemes
Company limited by guarantee
A private Company in the UK defined by the Companies Act 2006 which has no share capital or shareholders. This is the standard type of company used in the RMC model - all private Leaseholders automatically become Members when purchase of their property is Completed
The solicitor who acts for you and draws -up the documents for the purchase of your house/flat. If you are buying a new property the builder may recommend who they would prefer but it is your choice.
A Company Officer who is responsible for running the Company in accordance with its Articles of Association/Memorandum of Association and relevant Company law in the UK. It is not usual for there to be any remuneration in a typical RMC.
Someone who holds a freehold property. Freehold is the absolute right to hold property or land for an unlimited time without paying rent
Ground Rent
Rent paid by a lessee to the person or company that owns the freehold
Housing association
A private, non-profit making organisation that provides low-cost social housing for households in need of a home. Any trading surplus is used to maintain existing housing and to help finance new homes.
Landlord and Tenant Act 1987
This is the main legislative Act of Parliament which regulates the letting of property in England (access the Act HERE)
A written contract/agreement for the renting of a building or piece of land
Leasehold Advisory Service (LEASE)
A Government body that provides free legal advice to leaseholders, landlords, professional advisors, managing agents and others on the law affecting residential leasehold in England and Wales. (Access their site HERE)
Leasehold Valuation Tribunal (LVT)
A statutory tribunal which determines various types of landlord and tenant disputes involving residential property in the private sector. (Access LVT decisions HERE)
Lease holder
Someone that holds a property or land on lease
Managing Agent
A person or company appointed by the RMC/residents to manage the property and estate as defined in the lease. It should be noted that as this is an 'agent' for the Company then the legal responsibility for the full and proper management rests with the RMC. The Trade Association for Managing Agents is the Association of Residential Managing Agents (A.R.M.A) - access their site HERE
Mixed tenure development
Housing sites that comprise a mixture of types of tenancy i.e whether lease or ented tenure. Sites may also include a retail or business element - it is not uncommon for Local Authorrities on larger sites to include provision within Planning Conditions for amenities such as gyms, community centres, libraries, doctors/dental surgeries. Under current planning law in the UK any residential development comprising more than 15 dwellings must have a minimum social housing content of 35% (note: this is subject to change and may vary between local planning authorities)
This is the UK Government scheme that aims to help households with smaller deposits to buy a new build home. Launched in March 2012 it is aimed at first-time buyers and those who already own a home who only have funds for 1 5 - 10% deposit; the participating lenders provide a suitable mortgage on this basis. (access their site HERE)
Residents' Association (RA)
A group of residents from a block of flats, or collective Freeholders on the same road or estate, who formally join together as a representative group. To be effective an RA should be formally recognised - there is provision within Section 29 of the Landlord and Tenant Act to do this). Affiliation to the Federation of Private Residents' Associations (F.P.R.A) is recommended (access their site HERE)
Resident Management Company (RMC)
A company owned by residents who in turn collectively own their building or intend to buy the building (s)
Right To Manage (RTM)
Under the Common and Leasehold Reform Act 2002 the idea of RTM is to provide leaeholders with the right to collectively take over the management of their building by compelling the landlord/freeholder his right, without having to prove fault on his part. Within the context of RMCs there may still be part of the building management that the landlord may still be responsible for uinder the lease e.g. a requirement to insure the buildings
Service Charges
A charge made by a landlord/RMC to cover the cost of services that are provided for as defined in a lease. (The R.I.C.S publish a Service Charge Residential Management Code which can be accessed HERE)
Shared Ownership
This is a part-rent part-buy arrangement between a housing association and tenant. Typically you put down a 10% deposit on the share amount you buy - you can own between 25% and 75% and the remaining share is owned by the HA. You pay a subsidised rent on the remaining share and are able to buy more of it over time.
Social Housing
An umbrella term referring to rented or part-rented housing owned and managed by the local authority or a housing association usually with the aimof providing affordable housing. Prior to the change in Government policy in the 1980s when Right To Buy was started social housing was 'council housing'.
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